Jun 15·edited Jun 15Liked by Maggie Harris

There are so many similarities between your story and mine. I am constantly in fear but like you I do it anyways. Now that 50 is around the corner I continue to embrace life and slowly check off my bucket list. Miss you on IG, but glad to connect with you here. 💛

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So glad to connect with you here, Gloria! Maybe the key to getting braver is just getting older. Here’s to us! 🎉♥️

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Ugh, THIS!!!! All of this. 💛 I'm scared of ALLLLL this things too, petrified. But when I get out of my own way for half a second, I know that the ultimate fear is dying and never having lived at all. Jesus that's terrifying. 😂 Thanks for writing, thanks for being scared and doing it anyway, thanks for inspiring. 🙏🏼

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Eep!! I’m sorry if reading this terrified you - but it IS TERRIFYING RIGHT!! Haha. I’m glad you enjoy and thank you so much! ❤️❤️

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Jun 12Liked by Maggie Harris

I absolutely loved this! It's such a great way of giving someone (me) a push out of the space they have been stuck in! Going to deep dive into your substack now!

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Thank you Ally, I appreciate it so much! I hope you enjoy the deep dive (and all the swears you’ll find…but if not, I’m sorry) 😅❤️

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Great piece. What is a narrowboat?!

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Thanks Ian!! They’re the canal boats that used to be used to haul stuff along the canals in the UK before there were cars and motorways. Now they’re a very trendy counter-culture way to live, or an expensive weekend getaway lol. They’re basically a house boat, but lonnggggg and skinny.

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Jun 12Liked by Maggie Harris

I love this piece so much, Maggie. I can relate to so much of it. As someone whose phobia of spiders and any insect larger than a ladybug is so debilitating that it has actually stopped me from travelling (I was in Mexico in January and I religiously sprayed the entire room with peppermint oil every day and did not sleep calmly for the first ten nights or so.) I totally understand. I am also scared of anything that goes fast. All kinds of rides, rollercoasters, but also motorcycles, scooters, anything you drive that isn't a car or bus. But on the other hand, I love water, I love flying, and I'm fine with heights. And (like you, I think) I am enticed by the unknown and happy to take risks. So maybe it helps to also remember the things that we are NOT scared of? When I was in Morocco, a tiny bird flew into our room at the riad and slept there all night before we noticed. My first thought was, "wow, it's lucky I'm not scared of birds!"

I'm so sorry about your dad.

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Oh don’t even get me STARTED on rollercoasters!! Haha! So, I know you understand what it’s like!! But you’re SO right, we should be focusing on the things we are NOt scared of. Why have I not thought of that?! Genius! (The bird, OMG!! See, you’re SO BRAVE ACTUALLY!! My partner is really afraid of frogs, even adorable little green tree frogs. I always find that hilarious and it makes me feel brave!) 😆

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I'm sorry to hear about your Dad!!!

Also, I loved this (and you have awesome eyes).

Amazing lesson to power through even when the path is unclear.

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Aww thanks man, I’ll tell myself that the next time I’m crying about my wrinkles 😅😭 And thank you - it was 12 years ago, and it still gets me.

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I’m mostly scared of IKEA on a Saturday morning.

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People who aren’t scared of IKEA scare me!

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